Coral with Tibetan Mantra Mala Bracelet purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Coral with Tibetan Mantra Mala Bracelet purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Coral with Tibetan Mantra Mala Bracelet purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Coral with Tibetan Mantra Mala Bracelet purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Coral with Tibetan Mantra Mala Bracelet purified & blessed mala - product images  of

Coral with Tibetan Mantra Mala Bracelet purified & blessed mala

The Bamboo Coral with Tibetan Mantra guru bead Mala Bracelet

Coral symbolizes life and blood force energy. Dark red coral is used for heating and stimulating the bloodstream & restore harmony to the heart.
Coral is a good aid for meditation or visualization.
Coral brings diplomacy and concurrence, quiets emotions, brings peace to inner self.
Red coral is a traditional and highly valued material for many Himalayan people.

This Coral mala is made up of 18,21,24, beads + 1 tibetan mantra guru bead, strung on high quality durable elastic cord. 
Sizing Info: 
Small - Fits a 5.5" - 6.5" wrist 
Medium - Fits a 7" - 7.5" wrist 
Large - Fits an 8" - 8.5" wrist
Please select the product size when you make a purchase or write your wrist size in the note to seller . 

Suggested Mantra 
Om Namah Shivaye 

NOTE: All malas are purified & blessed before we send them off to you.

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