Rose Quartz with carnelian guru bead bracelet mala purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Rose Quartz with carnelian guru bead bracelet mala purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Rose Quartz with carnelian guru bead bracelet mala purified & blessed mala - product images  of

Rose Quartz with carnelian guru bead bracelet mala purified & blessed mala

Rose Quartz with carnelian bracelet Mala beads buddhist mala 

Rose quartz is one of the most popular crystals in healing, jewelry, as well as feng shui. Famous for attracting and keeping love, rose quartz is also used when it comes to healing one's heart from pain and disappointment. Carnelian Stones are stones of action... that will give you the courage and confidence to move forward on a new path in life.

This Rose Quartz bracelet mala is made up of 18,21,24, beads + 1 capped carnelian guru bead of about 8-9mm bead size & strung on high quality durable elastic cord.

Sizing Info: 
Small - Fits a 5.5" - 6.5" wrist 
Medium - Fits a 7" - 7.5" wrist 
Large - Fits an 8" - 8.5" wrist 
Please select the product size when you make a purchase or write your wrist size in the note to seller . 
Suggested Mantra 
Om kleem kamadevaya namah 
Om Kama Pujitayei Namah 

NOTE: All malas are purified & blessed before we send them off to you.

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