Holy basil (Tulsi) Hand Knotted Japa Mala 108 beads mala purified & blessed - product images  of
Holy basil (Tulsi) Hand Knotted Japa Mala 108 beads mala purified & blessed - product images  of
Holy basil (Tulsi) Hand Knotted Japa Mala 108 beads mala purified & blessed - product images  of
Holy basil (Tulsi) Hand Knotted Japa Mala 108 beads mala purified & blessed - product images  of

Holy basil (Tulsi) Hand Knotted Japa Mala 108 beads mala purified & blessed

Holy Basil (Tulsi) hand knotted Japa Mala 108 beads
Tulsi is the most auspicious & sacred of all wood in the Hindu tradition, Tulsi mala enhances devotion, selfless love, inner peace, purity, Tulsi plant grants supreme purity.This Mala is regarded as the Best for worshipping of Lord Vishnu, Ram and Krishna.

This holy basil (Tulsi) mala is made up of 108 beads + 1 guru bead of about 7mm rosewood bead & size & hand knotted on holy thread. 
Suggested Mantra 
Om Namho Narayana
Shri Krishna Sharnm Mamah

NOTE: All malas are purified & blessed before we send them off to you.