Rosewood Japa Mala with Rose Quartz bead purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Rosewood Japa Mala with Rose Quartz bead purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Rosewood Japa Mala with Rose Quartz bead purified & blessed mala - product images  of

Rosewood Japa Mala with Rose Quartz bead purified & blessed mala

Rosewood Japa Mala with Rose Quartz bead.

A Rosewood is also known as Red sandalwood, 
A mala made of rosewood excels in healing the self and others, as well as manifestation of whatever is needed for healing.
Rose quartz is one of the most popular crystals in healing, jewelry, as well as feng shui. Famous for attracting and keeping love, rose quartz is also used when it comes to healing one's heart from pain and disappointment

This Rosewood mala is made up of 108 beads of about 7-8mm rosewood bead & size & strung on high quality thread. 

Suggested Mantra 
Om Gan Gapataey Namh 
Om Dum Durgaye Namh

NOTE: All malas are purified & blessed before we send them off to you.