Rosewood Wrist Mala purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Rosewood Wrist Mala purified & blessed mala - product images  of
Rosewood Wrist Mala purified & blessed mala - product images  of

Rosewood Wrist Mala purified & blessed mala

Rosewood Wrist Mala
A Rosewood is also known as Red sandalwood, 
A mala made of rosewood excels in healing the self and others, as well as manifestation of whatever is needed for healing. 
This Rosewood mala is made up of 27 beads + 1 guru bead of about 7mm rosewood bead & size & strung on high quality durable elastic cord. 

Suggested Mantra 
Om Gan Gapataey Namh 
Om Dum Durgaye Namh

NOTE: All malas are purified & blessed before we send them off to you.